Inside Drucker: The Drucker Video Magazine

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The Drucker School Channel showcases some of the interesting people, courses and events at The Drucker School of Management in Claremont, CA.  Along with McMillen Media, we produced the last two seasons of videos for The Drucker School.  We designed a unique online video magazine webpage entitled – Inside Drucker: The Drucker Video Magazine:  Since the fall of 2010 we have produced a total of 29 videos.  We have learned so much from this experience and we have the joy of working with a passionate producer, Karen McMillen.  We hope this is just a start to a promising career of documentary filmmaking.

Video Summary:

What are the characteristics of a toxic leader and why do workers follow them? Sit-in on Professor Jean Lipman-Blumen’s compelling course, The Allure of Toxic Leadership.

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